$30.00 USD

The Relating Languages — In-Depth Social Quiz

Why do you get along socially with some people, but not others?

This quiz will assess the main ways in which you tend to interact with other people (your Relating Languages). 

It will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

At the end of the quiz, you'll get a customized, downloadable report, with lots of information on how to improve your lowest-scoring (Growth 💫) languages and leverage your highest-scoring (Strength 💪) languages to create fantastic interactions.


You can use this information to: 

  • Use your Growth 💫 languages to create new social possibilities 
  • Use your Strength 💪 languages to serve and enhance groups even more than you already do
  • Develop strategies for relating with people and languages you don't like or understand
  • Make conflict easier
  • Increase your own communication skills

After purchase, you will receive a link to take the quiz.